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Summer holiday start sailing courses for children

We have got six courses available this summer for children to start sailing at Worser Bay. This courses runs for five days Monday to Friday, either in the morning or the afternoon. The courses are professionally run by Yachting New Zealand qualified coaches. The courses are the first step in the Yachting New Zealand Learn to Sail pathway. Participants who successfully complete the courses are awarded a ‘Start Sailing’ certificate.

‘Start Sailing’ courses for children cost $300. Children must be between 8 and 14 years of age, from the start of the course. The club's plastic optimist dinghies are used. The club will also supply a buoyancy vest for the lessons. Sailors must be able to swim 50 metres unaided wearing a PFD (personal floating device) and sailing gear.

After the course is completed the sailors are then able to join an Opti Squad on a Saturday or Sunday morning for the remainder of the season, (until 30 April) They need to join the club if they want to be involved in Optisquad.

Register today!

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