Eighteen sailors paired up and raced odds and evens in perfect conditions at Worser Bay last Friday during the first night of what will become a regular event each week at the club.
The club's six 'start sailing' sunbursts are used for the teams racing each week. One team of three odd numbered boats race against a second team of three even numbered boats in each race. Combined place scores are tallied at the end of each race to see which team won.
What it's about?
Get people sailing on Friday evenings (awesome!)
Introduction to teams racing (great fun and highly tactical)
Foster friendly competition (whoomp, there it is)
In a fun and social way.
Who’s it for?
Any club member that is interested (opti-squad through to seasoned professionals)
Existing pairs (best mates, arch-enemies, parent/child, husband/wife or ...)
Singles to be paired up on the day (ie skipper plus one crew per boat) - just come along
When's it on?
Initially on Friday evenings of term 4 2024 including:
18th and 25th October - no obligations, just come along and give it a go
1 November to 6 December - 6 weeks of round robin (format TBC based on numbers)
13 December - finals
Setup each evening from 4pm, aim to be on the water by 5pm (or as early as possible for those finishing work at 5pm), pack down by 6.30/7pm
Sausage sizzle and bar to follow
Teams to be formed on the day (3 boats vs 3 boats each race)
Using the six club owned sunbursts (full rigs without spinnakers, odds vs even boat numbers)
Short races (3 minute pre-start, 10 minute races)
Winning team has positions adding up to 10 or less (eg 1/3/6 or 2/3/5)
Multiple races each evening, crews swapped around via ribs as required
Here's a youtube clip explaining teams racing (note that some aspects at Worser Bay will be different from the video, eg course layout).
You can register to be involved by filling in this google form or simply turn up on the night and we will aim to get you into a team. And if not involved in the racing come down anyway as the bar will be open and the BBQ will be sizzling!

A massive 'thank you' to John Oldsfield for managing our teams racing programme. As John would say “it’s always on!, come and be part of this fun sailing format”